About Us
Since 2014, we have been bringing unique and memorable experiences for our audience.
Based in Tokyo, Japan and having worked with countless domestic and international brands, we specialise in travel and event planning, marketing, PR, and content creation.
2014年の創業以来、お客様の記憶に残る唯一無二 の体験を提供してきました。
東京を拠点に、多くの国内外の ブランドと仕事を し、旅行やイベント企画、マーケティング、PR、コンテンツ制作を専門としてい ます。
What We Do

We aim to preserve rich culture, share deep history, showcase off-the-beaten path locations, and connect visitors with locals.
私たちは、豊かな文化を守り、深い歴史を共有し、人里離れた場所を紹 介するこ で、観光 客と地域の 人々を繋げることを目指しています。

We curate unique experiences, provide friendly local guides, and give genuine advice. We strive to put forth memorable and original experiences.

We cover events, social media buzz, product promos via media ties, diverse content creation, brand design, and influencer hook-ups for event and campaign success!
イベントやキャンペーン成功のための企画、SNSバズコンテンツ、メディアとのタイアップによる商品プロモーション、多様なコンテンツ制 作、ブランドデザイン、インフルエンサーキャスティングが可能です!
What We Are
Media & Influencer
国内外の ブランドと多数の実績 を積んで きました。国際的な 専 門家とともに、イベント、マー ケティング、PR、コンテンツ制作を専門としてい ます。

Travel Agency
FITやグループ、MICE旅行者向けそ れぞれにカスタマイズされた旅程と オーダーメイドのツアーを通して、日本の隠れた魅力に光を当てることを得意としています。
私たちは、日本全国に 強 力なネット ワークを持つ認可代理店です。
Travel Agency
FITやグループ、MICE旅行者向けそ れぞれにカスタマイズされた旅程と オーダーメイドのツアーを通して、日本の隠れた魅力に光を当てることを得意としています。
私たちは、日本全国に 強 力なネット ワークを持つ認可代理店です。

Experience Provider
We bring Japan to life through local bars and restaurants, with insider perspectives on highlights, through one-day tours, and curated cultural and artisanal experiences.
内側の視点からローカルなバ ーやレストランの 見ど ころを 紹介し、日帰りツアー、文化・職 人体験を通して日本に 活気をもたらします。

What We Have Done
Since starting our journey as an events and marketing agency in Tokyo, Japan, we’ve had the pleasure and honour to support different companies, brands and businesses, bringing unique experiences to all of our clients, customers and guests.
東京でイベント・マーケティング のエージェントとして発足して以来、私たちは様々 な企業、ブランド、ビジネスをサポートし、クライアントをはじめお客様、ゲスト の皆様に 唯一無二の体験をお届けする喜び と名誉を感じてきました。
Happy Guest
Why We Are Different
We have work with each and every single client closely to provide the most personalised plan. We provide flexible business and marketing consultations and strategies to fit what you are looking for.
As a young, creative passionate international team, we have years of experience in creating memorable events, content and experiences for our audiences.
We believe in the power of brands of all sizes and backgrounds. We support international brands tap into the Japanese market and help local brands show up in front of an international audience. We make it our mission to help bring and connect people, brands and the world closer together.
Our Skills
Putting forth unique, memorable and original experiences and concepts is what FLIP K.K strives to do. Based in Tokyo, Japan and having worked with both domestic and international brands, FLIP K.K caters to both the local Japanese market and the international scene. Focusing on events, marketing, content and partnerships, it is our mission to create unique branded experiences for our clients, customers and audiences, showcasing products and services in the best possible ways.

- Events Production
- Branding
- Content Creation
- Social Media Marketing
- Talent Management
- Public Creation
Our Services
Event Production
We are here to coordinate every aspect of your event, bringing together a memorable branded experience to your audience.
International & Local Market
In front of a new market, we help you increase brand awareness to your business and drive traffic and sales to your brand.
Content Creation & Production
Our creative and knowledgable team is ready to support you with content planning, strategy, creation, posting, reporting and analytics.
Japan Life & Travel
We run a Japan life & travel business, sharing the ins and outs of Japan, focusing on the underrated and local gems. We offer a variety of services and products for our audience.
From Our Clients & Customers
We've had such an incredible time working with these amazing people!

HIGHLY RECOMMENDED- really fun experience where we discovered bars that we would never have found on our own. So many recommendations for Japan & discussions about the culture here. We absolutely loved it & think everyone should book this experience.
Amy Mary

My bar crawl was by far the best bar craw I've ever been on. The hosts were fun, knowledgeable, friendly and helpful. We had a great time chatting, drinking and making new friends. I would recommend this experience highly to anyone looking to have a good time underground venues in Tokyo.
Who We’ve Worked With

Let's Start Something new
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Send us a message here or connect with us on social media!